Tuesday, 2 February 2016


Absolutist religion must be done away with. It is a tyranny on the human soul. Terrorizing the masses with indiscriminate ideological indoctrination fosters ignorance deep-seated whose unholy outcome is religious war, subversion of culture, fanatical self-destruction and perpetration of terror thereof which has deluged the world for ages with blood spilled from innocent forms. Holding history hostage to a singular event of stumbled quasi-realization and attempting by force to structure the world on that basis is in itself pernicious and doomed to eventual failure, for the world, free and fair, will not, by the dictates of a higher spiritual law of the essential freedom of the human soul, subscribe to such an oppressive programme. The result has been a constant tussle for supremacy of political forces masquerading as religious dispensations for well over a millenium, brutal conquest of 'infidels' followed by their forced conversion to 'the only true faith', a total disruption and overhauling of indigenous culture and forcible supplanting of the alien 'true culture' as per the prescription of the only 'true scripture' of the only 'true God'. Such a barbarism in the name of religion has been unleashed that one shudders to think what must be in the gene of the human species that it can throw up such malevolent individuals by the millions for so many thousands of years of recorded human history. Surely, such horrific religions as prescribe wholesale extermination of infidels or their right to survive only as second-class subjects in a theocracy thrust on them are but so many primitive modes of interpretation of cosmic reality fraught with crude errors befitting a barbarous state of human evolution. And the horror of the spread by the sword of such inferior religious culture subverting more refined spiritual civilizations, throwing human society ages backward! But though it is history, it is not a thing of the past, dead and buried, bearing but its fossilized impression on present-day society. It is very much a present-day phenomenon, threatening the very existence of the civilized world, a megalomaniac programme of world conquest by holy war and the creation of a monotheistic submissive culture the world over where citizens are no more free save to submit to the dictates of religious bigots with little civility and even more meagre magnanimity of spirit as to allow diversity of opinion or spiritual persuasion or, at the least, the fundamental human right to differ from fundamentalist explanations of nature and reality based purely on blind belief and devoid of the slightest validation of scientific evidence. Scepticism, which is the basis of scientific study, is held blasphemous when it comes to questioning the validity of scriptural dogma and is a culpable offence deserving the death penalty. This is at complete variance with the freedom of thought and expression allowed in the civilized democracies the world over where scientific scepticism, scrutiny and rational rigour form the basis of knowledge which in turn is the bedrock on which civilization stands. Today, we are at the crossroads of a clash of civilizations between the liberal democracies of the world where free thinking is the oxygen of life and the irrational theocracies of the world where free thinking is taboo and absolute submission to an absolute God the only condition of life. Where we are headed we know not for sure but what is already evident from the spread of global terror is that a titanic battle is at hand before the malefic powers that perpetrate this perfidious programme of world domination are brought to book. Nazism had to be done away with but the cost was the Second World War. One hopes that a higher cost in the form of another great war one does not have to wage against the day's demons before the world is made fit for civilized living. The signs of an impending disaster loom large on the horizon, specially, in the nuclear culture of the world today. India may be the way out if the West should yet heed the message sent out by the sages and saints of this cradle of the world's civilizations, the birthplace of religion, philosophy and science. Upon such collaboration between the ancient spiritual culture of the Hindus and the modern scientific culture of the West depends the future of the world, upon it hangs the fate of humanity. Will the West heed? Only the future will tell. Till then let us all pledge to fight this menace of malevolence, this perfidious programme of perversion of people's minds, this global agenda of subjugating the free peoples of the world and forcing them to submit to an extra-cosmic autocrat at whose bidding life becomes a slave's submission to his master bereft of individuality or independence, a bondage, barbarous and brutal, even unto the grave. May peace prevail through illumination! Om! Shanti! Shanti! Shanti!

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