Friday, 17 April 2015


Is it possible to sit pretty watching the plight of millions of our brethren living lives of abject poverty inflicted on them by an economic system that caters to the scientific exploitation of the masses by a handful of gluttonous capitalists who drain the very life-blood of the people who are the sustenance of this world, the proletariat, the teeming millions who by their labour, sweat and toil grind out such ill-begotten profit for their unscrupulous masters that masquerades as bleeding charity to stifle the soul of man? Is it charity then that draws water from the Ganga by the gallons only to later sprinkle it in measured drops to the waters again while the wide world applauds unthinkingly the magnanimity of the philanthropist? Is it rightful ownership of the world’s resources denying the basic rights thereby of decent survival of the masses solely on the basis of superior manipulation of means for ulterior ends of exploitative profit that leaves the consumer bereft of means and means the death of humanity? What worship of Mammon is worse than this that obtains this day, what pitiless profit that crushes the hopes of hungry hearts seeking succour in the desert of life? I ask ye all, do reflect awhile and see thyself, thy mirrored self in the glass within and come to terms again with life that all may live with a free, fair share of all that is in Nature’s care. 

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