Sunday, 19 April 2015


When the real history of man will be chronicled, it shall be written in letters of blood how the sufferings of countless souls down the ages had sustained civilization that a few enjoyed and a fewer still so often destroyed, how the aspirations of millions were crushed to the dust as the chariot wheels of conquerors enslaved their subject masses reducing them to mere beasts of burden and the saga continues to this day as the hopes of humanity enmasse lie in the clutches of a handful of gluttonous capitalists heaping horrendous misery on the defenceless destitute they call their brother man. Natural disaster is one and one may come to terms with it physically and psychologically but when disaster is the pernicious product of prohibitive profit-making, it is ruinous at all ends and demands a complete overhauling of the exploitative machinery that has lasted in human society for ages, to be finally replaced by a more equitable system where all get a fair share of the resources of the Earth to be equipped to lead decent lives with dignity and distinction. Human life is so precious and such a monumental waste of human resources on account of man-inflicted poverty is a barbarous crime against God and Man and must be stopped by all means in the name of all that is just and good in the mind of man. The masses suffer daily deaths dealt them by the diabolic designs of these mercenaries among men, the silent scientific life-crushers that masquerade as merciful merchants but are mere marauders masking motives for gain. This age-old tyranny of the rich and the powerful must be put an end to and the masses must be saved from their octopus-hold. Else a violent revolution will set in a train of cataclysmic changes once the critical mass of hunger and hopelessness has been reached which will perforce make its way to set into motion a new order of human existence, the rule of the proletariat. This is the philosophy of hunger, the politics of sheer survival necessity, the religion of revolution. Lest such a day soon comes to pass, capitalists beware! Your extortion in all measure is measuring out the future guillotine hanging above your vicious head so drunk heavy with the wine of your ill-begotten wealth. Take care while there is time to spare for the wrath of the masses waits for aeons to mature but not a moment more when the heat is on. Beware businessmen, beware! Take no more away from the people or the tide turns soon, watch out. Hark! Hear the footsteps of the masses marching down the marts. Now whose profit who will earn friend? All will be gone, all, all! Before such an hour befalls you all, give up greed and share, care friend, care.   

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