Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi has said, "HE WHO HAS, LET HIM MEASURE OUT (DONATE) AND HE WHO DOES NOT HAVE, LET HIM CHANT (DO SPIRITUAL PRACTICE)." This simple statement of hers is a grand pronouncement in fact, a decree divine of the Mother of the universe and is absolutely binding on her children. It contains in it the formula for the life divine and the simplest way of spiritual fulfilment for all.
There are such vast inequities abounding today all over the world owing to the ravages of rampant capitalism which has human greed as its motivational basis and the common man's pocket as the exploitative target. As a result, billions are suffering from the ravages of man-made poverty and its concomitant evils. Here indeed are Holy Mother's aforesaid words most pertinent and, if followed, can be the panacea for much of the evils of contemporary capitalist society.
The rich must give away wealth liberally to support welfare schemes in society and help build institutions for public welfare. The poor must chant the name of God and spread holy vibrations all around to purify the polluted environment that is suffocating the spirit of man today. Billions of people chanting the holy name will by their collective vibration stir up the higher consciousness of man and make the world a better place. Harmonic spiritual vibrations will help induce harmony in the chaotic thought-field of the world and slowly establish peace on Earth.
Swami Vivekananda had established the RAMAKRISHNA MISSION for raising the world and India in especial through welfare activities and the Mission has been doing yoeman's service in this field for well over a century. However, given the complexities of the world political scenario and the natural handicap that monastics suffer from in raising funds for the welfare projects owing to their relatively reclusive life-style, it is now an imperative that lay devotees in large numbers should step ahead and shoulder the manifold responsibilities for the successful execution of the Mission's welfare projects.
Men and money are the two primary requisites for the execution of the Mission's welfare schemes. Men are required to organize projects, run institutions and serve the cause of suffering humanity in the light of the Vedanta espoused by Swamiji and money is required to carry out smoothly the transactions involved in the process. Yet, both these elements, essential for the success of the Mission's projects, seem to be ever in deficit thereby significantly slowing down the work of the Mission and thwarting the development of the nation. If we, devotees, carry out Holy Mother's dictum with implicit obedience, the missionary activity of the RAMAKRISHNA MISSION will be much strengthened and its welfare programmes executed to fulfilment much faster. Consequently, the nation will benefit and a stronger India will be much more instrumental in ushering in world peace and international understanding.
Holy Mother's words for us, her children, are an imperative and we must carry them out to perfection in our day-to-day lives from now on. With it new India will rise on the ashes of the dead past and build citadels of the power and glory of the Spirit. My friends, awake to this cause and live golden lives of philanthropy and spirituality so that the nation may live, the world survive and humanity see a brighter day of light and cheer. I exhort you all then to LIVE THE LIFE.
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