Friday, 27 March 2015


Preparedness is the other name for civilization, wrote Tagore. To be able to serve the Cause of Ramakrishna-Vivekananda we have to be prepared with the due requisites of character and information so that we may not be caught napping when the hour of delivery comes. The national cause is important, far more so when our Motherland is in the formative years of her socio-economic development after a lapse of close to a millennium of servitude to foreign powers when she was robbed of her resources and her culture despoiled till she was reduced to death’s door. But the ancient land of Bharat is indestructible, immortal and once more she has risen like the Phoenix from the ashes, resplendent in her spiritual might, ready to deluge the world once more with the onrush of a spiritual current that will sweep away all the dross of materialism and render humanity pure and conscious of the highest ideals it is heir to. The world today is on the edge of an abyss with a damaged environment, and, damaging ideologies battling for primitive supremacy where dialogue and deliberation are deemed distrustful dissent deserving damnation of death dealt out by demonic clerics masquerading as devout dervishes. Capitalism for all its pretentious claims to resource-utilization for world-welfare is driving the common man the world over to penury and fuelling the fire of revolutionary violence that lies embedded in the womb of future history. Greed for gold has subverted human culture and reduced man to an ‘economic animal’ such that he can without compunction exact inordinate and ruinous profit from brother man oblivious of the latter’s capacity to pay the exorbitant prices that attach themselves to commodities of dire necessity and driven desire. The situation the world over is not at all conducive for harmonious living or peaceful co-existence. When necessity drives man to desperation, he no longer considers what is good for human society in the long run but with his myopic vision stimulated by the exigencies of the times, he dives into dangerous deeps, the treacherous terrain of violent revolution. Such an occurrence is periodic in history and it entails untold damage to civilization even as it ushers in a new age amidst terrible violence, the horrors of which echo through the portals of history for ages.

This then is the world for us as we know it to be and which we are attempting to refashion after our heart in order to make it habitable for us all, not merely the privileged few for whom it may be a veritable heaven but also the vast majority, the teeming millions toiling it out under the scorching sun of the tropics or amidst the icy chill of the poles, men and women everywhere, gods and goddesses living and dying their daily deaths before the very eyes of us who choose to worship not these visible living manifestations of the Divine but vain imaginary beings, the derivatives of our fertile human imagination, products of our quasi-rational selves thinking along mythical lines. The task is onerous and requires the life-sacrifice of thousands of us who vouch to be Vivekananda-devotees. And what a blessed life it will be when we sacrifice it all for the sake of the Motherland!

Come my friends, let us all make a glory of our terrestrial existence and leave a mark indelibly on society for the furtherance of the cause of human evolution. Let us live and die for the Cause of the Master and His children and so attain to immortality in human heart where every throb shall pulsate with the rhythms of love for us, the forgotten heroes of the Motherland, even as our predecessors bled in oblivion for the cause of national liberation from foreign occupiers. How many of them who gave up their lives on the gallows for the sake of freeing India from foreign yoke do we know of or care to remember today? But every breath we inhale as free citizens we owe it to them whom we know not, every pulse of life and love that we feel is bequeathed us by them, our forgotten heroes who lie embedded in those chapters of our national life that never came to historical limelight but whose vibrations keep the flame of our freedom burning even today. Sisters and brothers, ponder once. May we not emulate these valorous souls, these soldiers of the Divine, these self-sacrificing sons and daughters of the soil who died on the Cross of National Liberation that we may live lives of freedom and peace today? Do we not owe it to them to fulfil their vision of a renascent India, the Mother of their dreams, of countless souls who then lay in the womb of posterity but whose life-breath impregnated their beings envisioning their future birth? Are we not the inheritors of this legacy of sacrifice for all that made our nation great in the past and shall make her infinitely greater in the future? Surely, we have not yet come to that degree of callousness where we can let things pass by, unheeding of their present and future import, let millions suffer their daily grind for bare survival or a decent death and ourselves wallow in the lap of luxury bought at their expense. When a violent change comes in the wake of revolution, we wake up to gather ourselves from the dust of the ages. Why wait for such a call O my beloved countrymen? Time it is to live for the cause of nation-building as Swami Vivekananda had envisaged. Let us tarry no more but dive deep into the deluge of tears that have flown for ages from the eyes of our mothers and sisters and brothers who have none save ourselves to care for them, who have prayed to all the gods and goddesses that be and attained to wonderful fortitude but have found no earthly succour in terms of the bread of life. I have determined to help them out in whatsoever meagre way my finite form permits. Be thou my helpmates in this great mission of national regeneration. We may offer our modest means and our heartfelt love for our hapless sisters and brothers who adorn the cottages in our countless villages and light up the India that is and the pathway for the India that will be. Let us serve them, share in their woes and help assuage their grief that they may also feel but perchance fail to articulate,"Yes, we are also the children of the same Mother Bharatvarsha who can never forsake us."

To such a dawn my friends,                            
I send these lines tonight,
They’ll waft through the starry skies
To welcome you with the light.  


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