Sunday, 15 February 2015


Character has to be formed. This is the first and foremost duty, the one thing that needs to be established if anything worthwhile is to be achieved in spiritual life. To serve the nation requires a great deal of self-sacrifice which calls for a strong character in the absence of which one's efforts will get tarnished by petty self-interest creeping in and spoiling it all. This is the one reason why most people who begin with a sense of purpose the work of service of the nation end up serving their own interests. Character having not been established, the work flounders and is eventually completely marred. Thus, there should be no hurry in the effort to serve the nation. Rather, one must proceed slowly and painstakingly build one's character by following the instructions of Swami Vivekananda and make oneself spiritually fit to serve others. One must scrupulously adhere to physical and mental purity in order to energize oneself for the undertaking of the great work of national regeneration. Swamiji is there to lead us, to inspire us and to constantly energize us if only we make an effort to read his works, to reflect on his thoughts and to follow him through the thick and thin of life's vicissitudes. We will surely be able to serve his Cause by his grace for we are his chosen soldiers, valorous disciples of the great hero who gave his life to galvanize this nation and break its age-old stupor. It is our turn now to repay the Master and build this beloved Motherland of ours. Jai Hind!

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