Friday 13 February 2015


Chant the blissful name RAMAKRISHNA and be full of bliss. It is a beautiful name full of the essence of the highest spiritual truth. It is an unfailing medicine to cure the soul of worldly ills and to help make it return to its primeval moorings. In this world of evanescent dreams where disaster strikes us without warning, where death stalks night and day seeking its victims and snatching our dear ones from us without consulting us, it is meet that we take refuge in the Master and chant his holy name as our sole means of protection from life's maladies. And the Master will never let us down for we are his own ones, dearer than his self. So, friends, with great enthusiasm chant RAMAKRISHNA, RAMAKRISHNA, RAMAKRISHNA...and live lives of purity and blissfulness. Jai Ramakrishna!

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