Forthright as always, Maj Gen Gagandeep Bakshi. What patriotic fervour drives you on at such an advanced age is the wonder of wonders of countless countrymen and is a pointer to the fact that idealism and love know no bounds of space and time as is evident in your crushing comments against the perfidious Pakistanis! Let the youth of India, left liberal or right radical, learn from you what it is to be a true patriot, what the motherland means beyond the pale of passing slogans, parading profanely in public parodying cancerous couplets and holding the high moral ground on behalf of seditious separatists against our valorous soldiers who daily bleed to uphold the sovereignty of our nation. One may unequivocally say that the youth need to learn lessons of patriotism from our armed forces first before they venture along the dangerous terrain of subversive activity, misguided by mischievous mentors. And woe unto those that in maturer years lead astray these fairest flowers of humanity, these carriers of civilisation, these blossoming buds of the garden of life, and send them to their doom for the sake of foul reward from a festering foe! Maj Gen Gagandeep Bakshi, you are laying before all such an ideal of life and living in the true tradition of the Indian kshatriya that never turned its back on the foe but died game on the battlefield in defence of the motherland. Your transparent honesty, seething passion, erudition in defence studies and your overriding love for India make you a model for the multitude that compose the symphony of the soul that is India. May God grant you health and happiness that you may serve the national cause with verve and vigour and lead our country through the corridor of corruption and chaos unto the sunshine of freedom and light! God bless you Maj Gen Gagandeep Bakshi, you are a leading light in the darkening firmament enveloping us, a flash of lightning setting the night ablaze! Few, alas! few realise the nation within themselves as you do and instil a like fervour in kindred souls. Glory unto you and glory unto the Indian Army that sleeps not when we sleep and keeps vigil over our heads that we may rest in peace and dream our life's dreams! And prostrations to the mothers of these valorous children for bearing in their hallowed wombs the defenders of the motherland and suffering in silence the terrible loss of the fruit of their womb in the very sunshine of their youth. Glorious though the sacrifice and legendary their deeds, the mothers and wives of these martyrs shed their tears in the solitude of their souls, undefiled by the profane gaze of the world. These are our goddesses and our love and care are for these. When we realise the renunciation of these warrior wives who smilingly give up the love of their lives for the sake of our nation's security, their softest sorrow melting before the sunshine of freedom their sacrifice ensures for the vast multitude that inhabit this great country, we ought to reflect awhile on what our own roles ought to be to further the cause of freedom and to honour the memory of these great ones but for whom we would have in chains once again. If eternal vigilance is the price of freedom, then each and every citizen of the land has the responsibility of defending the sovereignty of our nation and not just the jawans who bleed on the border.
P.S. Maj Gen Gagandeep Bakshi has in his service career in the armed forces distinguished himself in valiant defence of our motherland and now, in retirement from active service and despite advancing years, continues to valiantly serve the cause of our country through his publications, media interactions and inspired speeches at many a national forum which provide a bulwark in the intellectual sphere against the toxicity of left liberalism sowing the seeds of dissension on one side and cross-border propaganda emanating from Pakistan on the other --- not to speak of actual acts of terrorism --- which through persistent lying ever deepens in the gullible youthful mind myths about Kashmir being a state under siege by India and so deserving of political freedom. Against this tirade of political propaganda of the left, which includes sections of the Indian media, and the dastardly ISI whose sole aim is India's destruction, this septuagenarian war veteran is leading the defence of the motherland in the realm of ideas of critical value to our national thinking. Let us learn lessons of patriotism from this elderly national hero of many a battlefront of yesteryears and imprint indelibly in our minds that India is to be loved more than life itself, that her honour and integrity are to be defended and never maligned as is the wont of half-baked westernised intellectuals these days, and that the sacrifices of the martyrs before and after independence are never to be forgotten as we unite in solidarity with their undying spirit to script the destiny of our nation. Jai Hind!
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