Friday 30 October 2015


We as a nation must learn to take a long-view of the consequences of our short-term policies. Temporary gain must never mar our permanent goals. Foreign policy must stretch across the century and not just career over the immediate hour to the nation's detriment. Time to remember Netaji as we shape our nation's destiny. With him somehow our motherland's fate lies inextricably linked. Jai Hind!

We are a strange self-deluded nation revelling in historical untruths. Ingratitude seems to be ingrained in us as we choose to forget the heroes who bled to give birth to free India. Else, how on earth do we still subscribe to Anglo-American propaganda about Netaji and the INA that denigrates him and his movement to liberate India from colonialism and its foster-brother imperialism? Or, has it now become staple to us who may rightly be dubbed Macaulay's children? My countrymen, wake up!

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