Young Bhagat Singh gave his life for the freedom of our
country. What more can I say than that the blood of these valiant ones freed us
from the vile force called British imperialism? We owe it to these heroes for
our laughs and our joys and the air we breathe, untainted by colonial exploitation,
unhindered by racist repression, unfettered by vulgar subjugation. Their
sacrifices ought not to go in vain. We must stand up as living memorials to
their honour, as the guardians of the freedom they had bled for and as rightful
heirs to their glorious legacy.
Barely 23 and the hero, along with his two associates,
Sukhdev and Rajguru, was hanged, so redolent of Kshudiram Bose who had entered
a like martyrdom even fresher at 18. The rear wall of the jail was broken to
surreptitiously cremate the bodies before daybreak and dispose of the ashes in
the Sutlej, lest the corpses created a terrible reaction in the masses that
would gather outside the jail on the morrow.
These and so many other heroic sons and daughters of Mother
India bled to their deaths to remove her shackles and set her free. It was not
merely non-violence that brought us freedom but glorious violence as well, for
often it was that the protagonists of non-violence were so very violent in
their mind and modes in a variant way, and these fairest flowers of humanity
that sacrificed their all for the freedom of their Mother, were armed in the
strength of genuine non-violence, that of the Spirit that knows no meanness but
has the avowed objective, liberation of the Motherland. The history of the
freedom struggle ought to be rewritten setting its various movements in
perspective as significant factors contributing to India’s eventual liberation
and not as footnotes as hired historians would have us believe. Socio-political
processes are inexact sciences and so elude mathematical formulation whereby the
exact contribution of each of these movements towards the liberation of India could
be ascertained. Since independence we have been fed routinely the Gandhi-Nehru
version of non-violence as being the primary cause for freedom with other mainstream
movements such as the one initiated by Netaji and his INA relegated to being of marginal
importance. In this carefully conducted indoctrination of half-truths and
untruths it becomes difficult for the average unsuspecting citizen to sift the
grain from the chaff and only a discerning few among the citizenry may be able
to arrive at the right historical conclusions. Even there one will face insurmountable
barriers to overcome as a great deal of vital historical information is kept
out of bounds of the common man as highly classified material to which none may
be privy. Such careful orchestration of statecraft may prolong the reign of
falsity for a while more and preserve the powers that be at the helm of affairs
but cannot forever suppress the voice of truth.
The blood of the martyrs will be avenged and history will
reveal its secrets at an opportune moment. The declassification of the Netaji
Files by the West Bengal Government is the indication of the onset of such a
sprightly season when the seeds of secrecy will have germinated and the sapling
of truth will sprout through the cover of the dense foliage that can no longer
conceal it. The Bose family along with the eminent researcher who has done such
a yeoman’s service to the cause of the resurrection of our national hero is
scheduled to have conference with the Prime Minister at his 7, Race Course Road
residence on 14 October, 1700 hours when they will demand declassification of
all Netaji Files held at the Centre and possibly the tabling of the Mukherjee
Commission Report before Parliament for due deliberation on its contents.
The hour draws near and we must be prepared either for release
of the files or for a deferment of declassification on the usual grounds that
have been staple to the discussion in the past. Either way, the ground is laid
and the ball has been set rolling too. Now, who can stop its motion? Today or
tomorrow, the files will be out and God alone knows what shall surface. For
once we may be sure that Netaji and his leonine followers will be rendered
their true place in history and with it shall all the masculine breed of
revolutionaries be redeemed and their glorious sacrifice for the freedom of
their Motherland sanctified. The boy Kshudiram, young Bhagat, Sukhdev and
Rajguru, their souls will finally rest in peace when they have known that the
India of their dreams no longer negates their lonesome struggle for freedom but
warmly embraces them as the heroes who dared the might of the Empire and shook it off for good when at a later date their acts echoed in their brethren, the
INA led by Netaji, and led India to freedom.
And may I here call in all to salute the young Bhagat, the boys Kshudiram and Prafulla Chaki, Sukhdev, Rajguru, Chandrasekhar Azad and Ram Prasad Bismil, Jatin Das, Bagha Jatin, Masterda, Benoy, Badal, Dinesh, Pritilata Waddedar and Batukeshwar Dutta, and those countless mothers and
sisters who gave their all, their love and care and shelter to these fairest
flowers of humanity who perished in the bloom of their lives that we may see
the sunshine of life and freedom!