The Mukherjee Commission has categorically rejected the Air-crash Theory of Netaji’s death, yet the official version of the Government of India which, incidentally, rejected the findings of the said Commission on unreasonable dubious grounds, continues to be that Netaji had died of third-degree burns suffered in the plane crash at Taihoku Airport. This is a dubious claim, unsubstantiated by documentary evidence and one that stands nullified by the findings of the Mukherjee Commision. The Commission Report says that on the fateful day of 18 August, 1945 there had been no air-crash at Taihoku Airport, neither is there any record of the cremation of Netaji at the local crematorium. On what grounds then does the Government of India keep on spreading the myth of Netai’s air-crash death when all evidence points to the contrary? Equally shameful is the role played by certain historians in attempting to perpetuate the myth but theirs is an exercise in futility for Netaji’s immense popularity will have eventually put paid to their malicious designs and established the truth, once and for all, the day the Netaji Secret Files are declassified by the Government of India followed by a like declassification by the Governments of other countries such as Russia, Japan and England. The oft-stated reasons for debarring the files from public scrutiny, that of possible law and order unrest in the country and damage to relations with friendly countries, are untenable for a person dead in Governmental view since 1945, unless of course there are sinister motives hidden beneath the cover of the ‘corpse’ and the forebodings of a reprisal subject to a ‘resurrection’ of the repressed hero.
If even today we do not raise our voice in unison to uncover this most malevolent murder of truth in the name of ‘national interest’, we lay ourselves culpable to being dubbed a generation of spineless acceptors of falsehoods by posterity, and therefore, it is meet that we muster force to deliver our Grand Deliverer from the shadow of oblivion to his rightful place among the leaders of mankind. We must by conjoined effort prevail upon the current Government at the Centre to forthwith declassify all files related to Netaji that the mystery surrounding his disappearance on the 18th of August, 1945 may be dispelled once and for all. India needs Netaji today more than ever before to shine upon her people as the beacon that will guide her through the turbulence of the times. Jai Hind!
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