The British had no right to torture us. They were intruders in our Motherland and despoiled her of her wealth and culture, destroying the very fabric of her finely-tuned social and economic organization. They converted us Hindus by the millions into Christianity and did everything that mortal man in his villainy can do to rob us to build Britain. And for all this they repaid their debt to us by partitioning our Motherland when they transferred power in 1947. It baffles me when I reflect on the psychology of the English people that despite the horrendous suffering of World War 2 they did not change at all in character, did not have a change of heart towards the peoples they themselves had tyrannized and were still holding in captivity as enslaved races but rather went along their age-old distorted path of political crookedness whose only agenda in the high name of British civilization was economic drainage of resources to suit British ends irrespective of the consequences the hapless subject nations would have to thereby endure. In the name of which God or high ideal can the British people justify the horrible things they have done to us Indians for no harm done by us to them? An apology will not do. Give us back our wealth that you have stolen from us and stored in British museums. Give us back our undivided landmass, the ancient Bharatvarsha that had civilized the diverse peoples of the world for ages, give us back the honour that you had robbed from our women and children, the blood that you have bled off our bodies, give them all back and then call yourselves a nation of men, not before. Till then you will remain maligned in history as a barbarous tyrannical people devoid of civilization or humanity, a nation that had to be built on the ashes of thriving civilizations, a capital city that flourished by draining the wealth of a third of the world and reducing hundreds of millions of people to utter penury and ruin. Britain, answer, what right had you to thus devastate the people of the world who had done you no harm?
And they have not stopped thereafter as well. The Anglo-American conspiracy even now carries on in neo-colonial garbs. We must not trust them nor the Chinese who have taken our land away in Arunachal and Kashmir. We are over-busy with Pakistan when we should be building our defence against possible Chinese aggression in the future. There is no place for the weak in this wicked world where might is right for most and primeval predatory posturings are deemed diplomacy and effective foreign policy. The world is still held in the thraldom of narrow nationalism and tall talk on global peace and cooperation at international fora so much modern hypocrisy. India must be militarily strong if she is going to safeguard her borders and let her citizens live in peace. To be weak is a crime for it invites violence upon oneself, fosters war and endangers peace. Realism and not wishful idealism should be the call of the hour. The leaders of the country must learn to be mature in dealing with the international situation. China-phobia should be shed and the nation should be built on a bold footing to counter any contingency. Quality education must be imparted to one and all to give strength to the people. Only then may we be fit to emerge as a mighty nation with a difference and contributing to world peace and culture. Till then every Indian must strive his utmost to better the lot of his countrymen and help build a strong India devoid of the ills of capitalistic gluttony or political perfidy. For this we need a model, a hero, a human ideal in whom our nation's aspirations are best manifest. We have such an ideal in Swami Vivekananda and in Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, two towering personalities whose inspiration can change the landscape of our tortured minds and release us into the freedom of national and international glory, whose vibrations, if well-absorbed, may make gods of us and raise our nation to pristine heights as in days of yore, nay, even higher into the highest heavens of the spiritual oneness of all nations and peoples, nay, of all existence. May our minds be unified in our resolves, may our hearts throb ever with the one mantra, 'Bharatvarsha', whose well-being will be our well-being and whose decline our decline. Such an attitude towards the country can make India rise to her ancient glory once more and far beyond for such seems to be the destiny of this ancient land of Bharat. Jai Swamiji! Jai Netaji! Jai Hind!