Friday, 11 July 2014


FRIEND : But one has to test whether the Guru is really worthy of being a Guru.These days we have innumerable stories of the lower consciousness-permeated self-proclaimed Gurus taking advantage of their disciples' complete surrender. .... is a recent example. I guess with time you have to modify the process although I totally agree with the objective you have in mind as the spiritual end of it all.

SUGATA BOSE : Perceptive dear friend is your observation and very pertinent too. Swamiji used to say, '' Let men think.'' Also, mark the words in this piece that by inverse implication will set the matter to rest : '' Unless you have this perception of your Guru ...''. In other words, a disciple must test his Guru to begin with before accepting him by putting to test his own perception of him. If this perception is that the Guru is untainted by lust, greed or any other material motivations, and has spiritually realized the essence of the scriptures ( The Vedas ), that is, he is a God-realized soul, then only the intelligent disciple will accept him as his Guru and once having accepted, he must follow his spiritual instructions, not material ones related to the vices of human nature if by misjudgment of the Guru such a predicament ever arises. However, should perchance such a catastrophe befall the Guru owing to faulty karma or surfacing of the camouflaged carnal real self, then the disciple is free to reject his so-called Guru. If he follows Swami Vivekananda's golden principle : '' Anything that weakens you, reject as poison at once ", then that will be his lifeline in such traumatic circumstance. But I fully agree and sympathize with the fact that obtains in the world at large that ordinary people of no great discernment will for the foreseeable future get cheated by quacks and charlatans openly flouting false spirituality and supported by many in the establishment, political and industrial, for their own nefarious ends. Hence, a rethink on this issue truly ought to be on the cards and for the while it is best to trust only time-honoured reputed spiritual organizations after making oneself highly ready for sound discernment by reading Swami Vivekananda extensively to avoid easy duping by fraudulent '' Gurus ''.

P.S. : Initiation is not a joke but is a life-governing, soul-transforming event, a spiritual rebirth. Therefore, people should not give in to any enticement regarding initiation or should not hazard to undergo initiation when beset by the troubles of life. Rather, they should bear the adversities with courage and fortitude and manfully tackle the problems of life instead of abjectly capitulating before some so-called messiah of men promising a quick and easy redemption. Education is tough and spirituality much tougher. Only when the inner urge comes into the heart that one must get initiated so as to progress spiritually must one seek a Sadguru ( not a self-proclaimed one but an authentic spiritual preceptor ). Remember Sri Ramakrishna, the Avatar of the Age used to virtually detest these names, Guru ( Spiritual Preceptor ), Karta ( The Master ) and Baba ( The Spiritual Father ) and would never tire of emphasizing the truth that Sacchidananda ( God ) is the only Guru. This however does not imply that the human Guru is totally dispensable. In every field of knowledge an aspirant acquires the knowledge from a teacher or a Guru. The aspirant being human, it stands to reason to aver that the Guru must be human too. But in the realm of spirituality since things are more shady for the novice and, traditionally, absolute obedience is demanded by many Gurus along with scriptural quotes to justify such subservience, it is meet that the ordinary person of little longing for the Lord sticks to the Lord as his divine Guru. The Lord will never cheat you and there you see you are safe. As the longing for the Lord intensifies there evolves in the aspirant's system greater discernment by means of which he can fairly judge and avoid being duped. He is now spiritually fit for initiation. And then, glory follows.

Jai Sri Guru Maharajji ki jai ! ( Victory to the Guru who is spiritually regal ! )

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